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Arnaldo Pomodoro
We could write dozens of pages to tell you about the extraordinary artistic career of the great and well-known Italian sculptor, of his works scattered throughout the world, but those who have learned to know us know that we have no interest in repeating what is already easy to find elsewhere, so all those those who want to discover the genius of Pomodoro are invited to visit his site.
We, on the other hand, are always interested in showing you what you can't find elsewhere or which, at the very least, is difficult to find.
Arnaldo Pomodoro opens the “Temporary Connections” series with the work “Sphera N. 3”, housed in the garden of the Peggy Guggenheim museum in Venice.
Its central position favors interactions with visitors and the mirror-polished surface is an element that makes the work perfect for connections that make it almost alive. Moments of life are imprinted and vanish on it, some of which were captured by us, inspiring the series.