V'seum is a trademark owned by Fabio Mariano
P. IVA 02824900902
If you create Art, or deal with Culture,
it means that you are a
Enter for free in V'seum, share what you do and, if you create works, soon you can sell them in our V'shop.
You will never have to anticipate anything, we will be rewarded only in case of sale, directly withholding a percentage from the price you have established.
V'seum is open to the most different types of Art, but it is also a platform for Culture: if, for example, you are an expert in history, literature, archaeology or you are a tour guide, a museum curator, an organizer of cultural events, or something, then you just have to join.
We offer you a virtual space where to be present for now with on-demand content and soon live. We will support you technically, allowing you to virtually open the doors of your home, your studio or the structure you manage, to an audience of true fans, in love with Art and Culture.
We are currently in the testing phase: thanks to the fundraising campaign currently underway on Kickstarter we hope to release by 2023 the new platform, with which you can publish with a few simple steps, but we invite you to register already now because anyway you will have the advantage of being able to immediately have a space to upload content, taking advantage of the promotion campaign of V'seum that we are preparing.
In summary it works like this:
How to send us your content
All you need is a mid-level cell phone to record yourself creating. If you can, edit the video (we also accept unassembled videos where you are simply seen creating or talking about a topic)
Upload the video you are satisfied with on your personal Google Drive (the free version includes 15 Gb of space). If it is more than one, create a folder with all the videos you want to send us. Soon you will be allowed to upload directly to our servers.
CShare the Google Drive video or folder with us using as a reference email: Alternatively you can send us up to 50gb with SwissTransfer
We take care of everything else and in 1/2 days the video will be uploaded on the site with a unique page and cover. You will receive an email with links to see it on the platform