V'seum is a trademark owned by Fabio Mariano
P. IVA 02824900902
If you love Art and Culture , it means you are a
A V'seumer (pronounced: "vìsiumer") is a person who feels that Art and Culture are necessary such as water, food, light, relationships between people...
If you, like us, feel the need to feed on what humanity has created, or explore the world of Culture , then V'seum is your virtual home.
We’re currently in development, but we’re counting on by 2023, thanks to the ongoing fundraising campaign on Kickstarter, to be able to show you live content and make you the protagonist of
what you see.
By registering, providing only your name, surname and e-mail, you will be among the very first to enter the world of V'seum and we will give you all the updates on the news available and the evolution of the platform.
Subscriptions do not involve costs of any kind and, of course, you can ask us at any time not to receive more updates.
Your data is safe with us! They are not transferred to third parties and the only use we will make of them is to inform you.
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Photo by Plato Terentev taken from